Coonery and Buffoonery
FAQ and Reader Comments

This page is for the frequently asked questions that come up and the comments or questions asked by readers.  This page will grow as "Coonery and Buffoonery" gets more viewers.  Please be advised that whatever you send to me can be put up here and you will be publicly humiliated if you try to belittle me or my experiences, ask questions that have already been answered on the site, try to be sarcastic, send hate mail etc.  Don't do anything stupid.  On the other hand, I'll address honest comments and answer honest questions...but save the rhetorical question crap for your English Professor. 

1. How are we able to contact you? Use my email address at .  Remember the warnings above.
2. Why do you always tell what you were wearing when describing an incident? So you cannot use the excuse that I was "asking for it" by the way that I dress.  I dress extremely conservatively and I do not wear any makeup or elaborate hairstyles.  Yet, I still am harassed.  Men are quick to blame the victim of harassment and say, "if she didn't want the comments and stares, she shouldn't have dressed for it".  Yet, when we very obviously dress to be left the hell alone, they still don't know how to act.  I am exposing this excuse for what it is.

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Harassment cuts down a woman's self esteem and feelings of safety and security.