Coonery and Buffoonery

The New Me

This page is where I described how the harassment has completely changed me, my personality and my lifestyle.

I am not the same person I once was. I used to be friendly, outgoing, feminine and was willing to help anyone.  Now I am withdrawn, overly cautious, more "masculine" and seemingly unfriendly (at least until you get to know me).  If you're friendly, the harassers think you're easy.  If you're outgoing, they try to bullshit you.  If you're feminine, you are a target.  If you try to help them by giving them an inch, they'll take a mile.  I've learned that it is best to stay to yourself and not portray the image of the innocent, sweet beautiful young girl because these old coons live to spoil such girls.  They ride around on buses and at stops buying getting their old teeth capped, hanging out at liquor stores, conversing with the bus driver who is usually just as ghetto as them and trying to pick up "some young sweet thang" whom they have nothing to offer to.

Now I stay to myself and only converse on the bus with people whom I have known before (i.e. friends of the family).  I will not hesistate to tell someone that what they are asking is none of their business or just refuse to talk to them.  I sit up the front or in a seat that doesn't have any seats behind it so no one can sneak up on me.  I am always aware. My eyes and ears are covered up.  I don't laugh or smile with these people as they see it as a sign of weakness. If two or more  gold toothed middle aged coons or sneaky wetbacks sits near me at the stop or on the bus, I move.  Damn their feelings....I've been burned trying to give these bastards the benefit of the doubt before.  They get strength in numbers. 
The bus drivers are usually nasty, judgmental, no-customer service having pieces of trash that couldn't get a job at McDonald's if their lives depended on it.  So I just put in my fare and sit down.  I don't even speak to them ("good morning" my ass).  If they give me any shit, I report them.  
 My demeaner and attire says "drop dead"...but if someone still says something out of the way to me then I'll retort with "hi coon" or "hi grandpa" or something that cruelly plays on their race or age (if you are not respectful of me, then I will not respect your race or age group).  My give a damn is busted and the repair costs are just not worth it.
I've noticed too that my relationships have also suffered.  I find myself being colder, more guarded and less my "old self" to male family friends, acquantices etc.  I am not nasty unless they truly deserve it. It is not my's just a reaction that I cannot control.  When a group has taken so much from you, it gets hard to remain fair and damn near impossible to let down your guard with the nagging fear in the back of your head.  The nagging fear is that they'll take your kindness for weakness, not give you the same rights that they demand, force you to bow down to their standards and otherwise behave like the stereotypical male that the harassers embody.  I don't want to hurt these people but I cannot control how I feel.   
My relationships with people on the whole have suffered.  I am far more mistrustful of people and far less friendly than I used to be. You start to see everyone as a harasser or a supporter of the harasser.  There is no middle ground.  There's only battleground.  Harassment makes you start to realize that the pickiness and the cruelty that children possess hasn't went anywhere as people grow up.  You start to realize that men act their childlike desires out in the form of harassment because it is socially tolerated.  It is not socially tolerated for women so how do women act theirs out?  It makes one wonder...and makes one constantly watch one's back for the bearer of that proverbial knife.

People don't understand the impact this has upon women.  And the men that do do not care as they believe making women uncomfortable in public is their birthright just because it's what they "want" to do.

They've kept me from getting a proper education...

Dealing with life and school is enough within itself without the added stress of the ever present threat of harassment.  And when you try to take up for yourself, these men want to retaliate and spit or shove or call names.  Jumping through hoops such as by going longer routes to avoid harassers and taking all the apparatuses to avoid harassment such as headscarves and walkmans is just time and effort that could be put into school.  It also equates to a heavier backpack and just more hassle. My grades have suffered due to this as it is hard to concentrate on reports and projects when your mind is a million miles away on the harassment that happened yesterday and avoiding the harassment that may come today.  College should be a time of growth and learning and it is extremely hard to do both when harassers have you unable to even get to and from the school in peace.  They've cheated me out of one of the most important experiences in a young person's life and I am gong to expose these men and give women the information they need to fight back.

The truth...straight no chaser

Society may not tell you the truth but  I will.  It is currently politically correct to not tell the truth about a race.  It is currently politically correct to use young people as a scapegoat for everything. 

Middle aged and older men (black and mestizo at least) are the worse.  Younger men may be more upfront and not care who hears whatever they say and do and that's why people perceive them as worse when they are not.  Older men are just as bad if not worse...they are simply sneakier.  They don't do their dirt so that others (older women, authority figures etc.) can see what they're doing and disaprove.  No, they try to get you so that only they and their buddies can see what's really happening and use you for their amusement.  This isn't "conspiracy theorist" thinking, it is what I've personally experienced at the hands of these men.  If you're not a young pretty female, then of course they are not going to act the same towards me as they do you and your experience will of course be different.

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Harassment cuts down a woman's self esteem and feelings of safety and security.