I am a multiracial female college student and I created this site as an outlet for my frustration. Why am I frustrated?
Well day in and day out, I am harassed and belittled on the public buses and on the streets. Oftentimes, these
men are old enough to be my father or grandfather. Unless you are my peer and you have something to offer me (such as
respect for starters), then leave me alone. Do not eye rape me. Do not talk about me loud enough for me to hear and
then expect me not to hear it (this isn't middle school boys). Do not even say "hey" to me if you can't do it without
sexual undertones (it's not what you say it is how you say it). Do not persistantly bother me when I want to be left
alone. Do not play games with me for your enjoyment. I am not a whore...how dare these "men" scream things at me
like I'm some stripper or a pole or make noises at me like I'm some animal. Do not invade my space. Simply leave
people alone. You don't know what people have been through or what they are going through.
Now here's the kicker...I have noticed that there is a special "type" of man who does this. In at least 90%
of the cases of harassment I've experienced, a black man was the harasser. In about 10% of the cases, it is a Hispanic/Mestizo
male. In a very small number of cases, it is the white man (but a white man with a certain type of beliefs...we'll get
to that later). I am not a racist, I am a realist and my eyes don't lie to me--they can't. I am multiracial myself
so this is not some KKK propaganda. It is what I have seen. As you can see from the title, this site is about
Coonery and Buffoonery. All blacks are not coons, but the ignorant harassers are called coons. The Hispanic
harassers are Mexicoons. The buffoonery is done by what else but buffoons? Who are the buffoons? They're ignorant
white men who harass. They do exist but in smaller numbers than the black and Hispanic harassers. Yes, you may
come across some racial slurs on this site or on my blog https://fedupwcandb.tripod.com/blog. But, I feel that if you don't treat women as they should be treated, you embody the stereotype of the racial slur
and that's what you're going to be called. Get over it if the language bothers you. In the words of harassers,
"you're taking this too serious sweetheart, lighten up" (*snicker*).