Coonery and Buffoonery
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Mood:  incredulous

Today, I had 5 episodes of harassment.  What was I wearing today?  A long black coat and a headscarf that covered all of my hair that's what. 

1. As  I was walking to the bus stop today, this anorexic old coon kept leering out of his car at me and almost hit this man with his car he was so busy staring at me and craning his head to see me even though there was nothing to see.  Blacks grow up, niggers don't.

2. I was walking through the parking lot of k-mart and this latino was sitting in his car with his wife and he kept leering at me and making noises at me like I was some animal.  Not only was this disrespectful to was disrespectful to his lady.

 3. I was walking through the parking lot after this and this nigger kept screaming "hey gurl, hey gurl" at me.  Um, ok.

4. I was sitting in Burger King eating a meal when this black dude (about 30ish) entered with this Italian-looking girl.  This was obviously his girlfriend as he was mixed with black and blacker and clearly wasn't biracial (so she wasn't a relative).  They got their food and left.  I was sitting near the window.  As they left and she was trying to get the car door open and stuff, he sneakily tried to keep staring and grinning at me through the restaurant's window while she was occupied.  Goodness, niggers are like small can't turn your head for one second and they're already trying to do something they know they ought not do.

5. I was walking home past the gas station and there was a car full of monkeys.  "Hey girl" they said to me and kept leering at me like they were going to pull me in the car or something.  I just walked on and kept my head up high and straight.  "Do yo thang then" they said.  I didn't get too upset with these guys because they were young (20 something).  But as you get older, you should get better and wiser and that is why I have ZERO tolerance for older harassers.  They ought to know better.  Blacks are the main ones who want to talk about "DEEZ Young folks today" and it is the older blacks who are worse in my experience...they are just sneakier.  Trust me on this--I am not just talking about men and harassment either.


Posted by fedupwcandb at 11:19 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:35 PM EST
Friday, December 15, 2006
I Dream of Rain...
Mood:  spacey

Okay, today was a strange day as far as harassment and inappropriate behavior go.  It begins with a very strange dream I had just before I woke up this morning.  I dreamed that I was at the bus stop near a local ghetto-folk infested mall and I was robbed of my purse at the bus stop.  There were two robbers and they both were heavy set and looked to be either mestizos or biracial (mestizo mixed with black).  It was terrifiying.  I didn't get a good look at the face as it was dark outside in my dream (it's winter and you know how the sun starts setting at like 4:04 in the afternoon). The only reason they didn't get my cellphone is because I had taken it out of my purse to call the police as I saw them advancing upon me.  Right before that dream, I had had another dream of a black man harassing me on the bus poking at me and jeering at me as if he were a middle schooler.  Those dreams were terrifying and I woke up in a cold sweat.  What a way to start the day!  I don't know if I even should call those dreams dreams....they were more like premonitions.  I think that maybe God or some sort of Spirit is trying to tell me something as I rarely dream that vividly and rarely in such detail.  I mean I can still see those men now.  I also do not dream that close to waking up.  I think I was allowed to see what I saw so close to waking up so that I could remember it and beware.  I am not even what you would call a religious person and whenever someone starts speaking of signs, I'm like "um, sure".  But now, I don't way can I dismiss those premonitions....they were too real and they were about a mall that I frequent a lot. 

 Anyhow, I was at the bus stop today (no this wasn't a dream) and as I was walking to the stop, I saw a middle aged black man in the parking lot near the bus stop leaning on a car and talking to someone in the car.  As I was coming, he just stopped and stared as if I were walking down the street in a bikini or an evening gown!  I had on a past butt length jacket, black pants and was wearing a ponytail and sunglasses.  I looked at the coon as mean as I could and proceeded to wait for the bus.  I had on my headphones so that he wouldn't try to talk shit.  About a minute after  I got to the stop, my friend Corey came to the stop.  Corey is huge and he is half black, half Native American, young enough to be this monkey's son and most importantly, respectful of women.  The coon promptly stopped leering.  As the coon was leaving, he had his car windown open and pulled near me and was looking dead at me as if to say something out of the way but he looked at Corey and just drove off.  Boy was I glad Corey was there or that monkey would have tried something for certain!

 Also, after I got to my destination, I was walking through the parking lot and there was a thin 20 something monkey in a car who kept waving at me like was some sort of dog or toddler.  He probably would have made some dumb comments but I was too far away and his car window was up.  He kept trying to get my attention and I just turned around and kept staring at him like I thought he was crazy and then he just left. 

 Today has been a strange day on the coonery and buffoonery front.  Strange indeed....

Posted by fedupwcandb at 8:51 PM EST
Updated: Friday, December 15, 2006 9:11 PM EST
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Face Off
Mood:  sharp

Yesterday I was riding a bus that was fairly empty.  The bus stopped and two black middle aged men got on.  They smelled of beer and I could smell trouble.  Thank goodness I was ready to get off soon.  As I left, "have a nice day" one of them croaked.  I was sitting in front of them so I said "you do the same" and then left getting off the front door without ever turning around to let them see my face.  I could tell their "have a nice day" was not a sincere one.

 The trick is that if you are sitting so they cannot see your face or front, they will try to say something to you as you are getting off so they can have a better look at you.  You see anything turns them on even a washed face and some chap stick.  I'm tired of them leering at me like I am some stripper on a pole when i very obviously dress to be left alone.  The way I dressed the only thing they can see is the face and they will constantly leer at that and make inappropriate comments, dumbass grins and stupid gestures.  So I was polite not to anatognize these goons (I don't want them to gang up against me) but yet I still didn't give them what they were looking for which was a glance at the "grill".  Some men are so predictable.

Posted by fedupwcandb at 6:57 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:30 PM EST
The Dancing Queen
Mood:  party time!

Today I paid to go see a concert of one of my favorite bands.  My friend and I got there early so we perused the mall before they opened the gates.  The mall is kind of upscale/ghetto.  What I mean is there are a lot of higher up people who go there due to the type of stores they have.  But also, because the mall is downtown and downtown=ghetto blacks, a fair number of them are going to be there as well knowing damn well the only thing they can afford in there is McDonald's and the dollar store. There is no way around it.  As I was heading into the mall, this black man was lounging around loitering in the foyer and kept leering at me and sticking out his tongue and making these motions that were supposed to be sexy but were gross and dumb.  I didn't give this zoo animal the attention that he obviously so desperately craved.  I pretended I didn't see him.  My friend and I didn't stay in the mall long as the show was soon to start.  As I left, this same coon trying calling out things to me and again I didn't give this primate the attention that they're used to.  This primate was the typical 30 something male Negro loiterer with a dirty hat on his head probably waiting  for the transit bus.

 Anyhow, this was a blemish on the night but I wasn't going to let a monkey-man ruin the evening for me.  We went to see the concert and the band was great.  This was a rock band so the crowd was about 97% white.  There was alcohol served here and this was a rock band so there were people jumping around, screaming and acting crazy.  But even with all of the crowds, the moshing, the people screaming in delight and the liquor flowing, I felt safer at this concert in the dead of night than I ever feel in broad daylight on a bus with only a few coon men around me.  And that's the truth.  Things are safer and better for every female (especially the pretty and/or young ones) when black men are not around.

Posted by fedupwcandb at 6:34 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:50 PM EST
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Running the Gauntlet
Mood:  on fire
Well, today I was getting off of the bus.  And you know on the front row of the bus sitting right by the door i had to exit from was a middle aged monkey talking the bus driver's head off because he had no life.  Today I was wearing a mid-thigh length jacket and a hood (i.e. in other words, I was not dressed to promote harassment).  As soon as I stood up to get off, the monkey spotted me and of course the first thing that goes through a black man's mind when he sees a female is "I must let her know that I know she's female with a sexual remark or gesture".  So, he kept leering as I walked to the front.  "Heeeeey" he croaked not in a friendly way but in a sexual way when I didn't even know him like that.  I just gave him the same blank look that I always have on my face.  You can't show emotion to buffoons. He tried to wink and I still stared him down until I got off the bus.  I looked him dead in the eye to let him know that he wasn't going to make me cower and make me be intimidated.  I also kept looking at him to let him know,"yes, I heard your ass and I am still not going to speak to you because I don't like your approach or attitude".  I didn't have on my headphones either so he knows I heard him.  You see, they're like children....hopefully he'll be conditioned after enough encounters with females like myself that females do not respond favorably to this.  If you are not my peer and you cannot approach me or speak to me in an appropriate manner (i.e. don't get sexual with me when I don't even know your name) and you have nothing to offer me (and trust all three of these applied to him) then leave me alone.  It's not hard boys (yeah, I said boy.  Act like a man and you'll be called one).

Posted by fedupwcandb at 11:52 PM EST
Monday, November 27, 2006
True Colors
Mood:  incredulous

well today I saw the man who humilated me.  You can read about the original incident on my homepage .  Go to the true stories of things that have happened to me section and check out incident one.  Of course, he's your average middle aged black public housing rat.

Today I saw him on the bus and he tried to pretend he didn't see me.  He would never even look at me.  I saw him talking to the bus driver (actually a decent black man) about books, education and uplifting the black race.  I just wanted to run up to the driver, scream and shake him and say to him,"that man is not who he appears to me".  To the driver, the harasser was simply a black man interested in the religion and the elevation of blacks.  Oh please!  You see, this is a prime example of how sneaky they are.  The younger blacks are more straightforward.  The older harassers are sneaky and to the world they are upstanding normal human their victims they show their true selves.  I've seen the harasser around a couple of times since he dogged me and people seem to think he's a normal decent fun lovin' guy because that's what he portrays to them.  What a farce!

 I am not trying to "downplay" the experiences of rape victims in any way, shape or form.  But I now get a portion of what they feel when the rapist just goes through mingling through the community like a normal person after he's degraded them and left them constantly watching over their shoulders for the next attack.  Unless he goes to jail for his crime, they have to see him around the neighborhood and relive a bit of that experience every time they see him again.

 The next time I see him, I will snap his picture and keep it for future reference....if he so much as breathes loud around me, that pic is going to the cops for easier apprehension.  They make me sick with their they are one way to one person and a completely different person to someone else....someone higher.  Someone they think they cannot intimidate, control, have fun with or get away with something with.  These middle aged coons make me sick.

Posted by fedupwcandb at 10:05 PM EST
Updated: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:09 PM EST
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Jungle Behavior out of "Elders"
Mood:  irritated
Today I was sitting on the bus and this  older black man stepped on and kicked my bag and didn't even say excuse me.  Yet, later he had a nerve to try to give me the sensuous grin and "hollar" at me though.  Blacks are so rude and they have no respect for young people as human beings.  I've seen it time and time again....they'll practically run you over and crush you or your merchandise and they will not say "excuse me" or "sorry" or anything like that to a young person if it kills them.  You are supposed to treat all humans with respect until they prove that they deserve otherwise.  This man had to be at least 60 years old because I saw him pay the half fare which is only for persons 60 years old and above.  Which means that he was too old to be acting rudely...he was CLEARLY old enough to know better.  Yet all society wants to harp on is how young people are rude and disrespectful to women when it is NOT the young people it is the supposed "elders".  Give me a really can't bring blacks anywhere but the jungle. 

Posted by fedupwcandb at 7:00 PM EST
Friday, November 24, 2006
Another illustration to my many points...
Mood:  irritated

I was a-cruising along on the coonmobile (aka public bus) today.  The bus driver has a male friend who always sits on the bus and rides around with her as  she does her rounds (no he doesn't pay, yes he has no life).  I've been seeing him for awhile and I had no problem with him until today.  Today he kept staring at me with this dumb little grin on his face.  You know the grin that Negroes give you when they think you "look gud gurl" (nevermind that they'll get turned on by a washed face and combed hair).  Anyhow, I simple ignored him.  I heard his ladyfriend say to him "why you keep staring at her" or something like that.  "You no want me to look at da gurl?" he said (yes, he sounds like one of those carribbean coons).  Then he said something that meant since we are not exclusively dating, I do what I damn well please.  Men want to do what they want at the expensive of others....they don't care how their actions affect other people....they will continue to do what they want regardless of how others feel and that is why the world is in the warlike tumoultous state that it is in.  Just pick up any history book if you don't believe me. Of course he was your typical ugly, pitch black, too damn old for me peace of crap.  This was definitely not one of my worse incidents by far but I put it in here to illustrate that only a true nigger will eyerape another (conservatively dressed) woman while he's all up on his own woman and be dumb enough to do that shit right in her face. Niggers! 

Posted by fedupwcandb at 10:19 PM EST
Friday, November 17, 2006
Two's not company....
Mood:  irritated

Okay, I was on the bus today.  I was sitting down peacefully minding my own business.  A black man got on the bus and sit in a seat diagonal to mine.  His friend got on a little later and then sat in the seat in front of me.  They were your typical middle aged do-nothing Negro men.  The one in front of me had to kind of face me when he turned to talk to the one that was seated diagonally to me and I felt boxed in.  I've been harassed and bothered too many times by middle aged black men to be stupid so before the situation turned ugly, I told him "excuse me" and got up and left and went sit in a seat closer towards the front of the bus.  I've been in dangerous situations before and I vowed that I'd never let myself be boxed in or cornered again.  Men have a stronger pack instict than women IMHO. A man who may not do anything on his own can be transformed into a harasser or even a rapist with his "posse" there as an audience.  And for men, two is not a company, it is a group.  I've been in situations before and I don't give a damn who thinks I'm "racist"....if I don't feel safe or comfortable, I'm leaving.

 After I left I heard them talking about me.  They remarked that it used to only be white women who feared them and moved when they came near or locked their car doors as they walked by. They were talking about how they cussed this girl out at the bus stop because she was "black" and yet still was cautious and aware around them.  As they said,  "but now, "it's niggaz too dawg and other minority women who is minorities just like we is who do dis". Yes, that's their exact words.  How ignorant.  Basically, the coons were saying that unless you are white, you don't have the right to remove yourself from a potentially bad situation and be aware of yourself when around strange men.  Women have to be careful.  Before becoming so judgmental of us "stuck up bitches" they should walk a mile in our shoes and see the harassment and violence and inappropriate remarks and actions have made us wary of men, especially certain types of men.  He actually got to sit closer to his friend when I moved, so he should've been thanking me.  The ungrateful ass monkey!

 I've said it before and I'll say it again....the older men are the worse when it comes to this behavior.  They are more persistant, sneakier and they like to belittle you in a subtle way when you don't want  to be bothered with someone old enough to be your father or grandfather.  In my experience they are also meaner.  They will turn on you in a minute over something stupid (I've seen seemingly decent black men screaming at their wives, "don't you talk to me like dat, when you got's one of my goddamn ribs". Yes, he was alluding to the Biblical tale to justify this.  They are just so mean over something stupid.  They were not raised in the women's rights era, so they get ugly when you don't fit in your *place*). 

Also older people, no particular race this time, seem to jump to conclusions a lot quicker.  A young man could just be standing in the way of something because they were lost in thought or because they didn't see you and they're all like, "these young people have no RESPECT! You wouldn't have any business if it weren't for us" and then they go off on some tirade on something that has nothing to do with the situation that they jumped to conclusions on.  Those men didn't know why I did what I did.  But no, just like the middle aged monkeys that they are, they just had to start flinging crap, staring shit and jumping to conclusions.  How did they know that I moved because I didn't trust them not to start trouble with me?  They wouldn't have known unless that's what they have done to people, that's what they would've done or better yet, that's what they have seen happen all too often in their shithole neighborhoods and dangerous public transportation systems.  How primal.

Posted by fedupwcandb at 10:35 PM EST
Updated: Friday, November 17, 2006 11:03 PM EST
Friday, November 10, 2006
The Scarf
Mood:  irritated

Today, I've decided to take a tip from my "brethren" and don a headscarf.  This is not like a hat or a scarf placed on top of already styled hair.  That just invites more harassment it seems.  No, I tied all of my hair up and placed the scarf on top of it so that it covered my whole head.  Thus, no hair whatsoever is showing.  I of course donned my modest apparel and wore the sunglasses that looked like glasses.  That still didn't stop the monkeys.

 While standing at the bus stop, I had several incidents of blue collar workers in beat up trucks still trying to leer even when there was nothing to see.  Of course they were all black and about 40+ years (the older ones are worse as I said earlier).   

 Also, when I was at the stop, a Biggie Smalls look alike tried to  pick me up in his car.  Um, women have to be careful.  No woman is going to give anything to a man she has never seen before.  Some men are so dumb sometimes...this should be common sense.  I told him no and he asked again.  Um, no.

 I hopped upon the bus.  We rode for awhile and then the driver stopped at a bus stop near a shopping center.  A tar-black coon with a gray beard hopped upon the bus bearing bags of groceries (probably nothing but orange soda, 40 oz., and corned beef hash but still).  Anyhoo, when he got on he accidently left his transfer in the box.  "I'm a-sorry my brother", said the old man to the driver,"there's just so many pretty girls I'm looking at I be forgettin' thangs" he croaked.  He then stood there and leered at me like he was about to rape me.  Thankfully, he found someone prettier in the back of the bus and he went back there to ogle and probably stick his tongue out at her and make stupid comments about how she had a "purty face" as they like to call it.

Then I got off of the bus at a transfer point and then sat on a bench to await the next bus.  On the bus that I had just got off, the bus driver had an assistant sitting at the front row near the driver's seat.  These "assistants" are not offical...they are just people that the drivers know and they converse with the driver and ride around on his or her route.  Obviously these people have no life or gumption or they couldn't afford to cruise around and around going nowhere on some musty ass bus and not be getting paid for it to boot.  Anyway, when I got off of the bus and sat on the bench, the bus that I had just gotten off had to sit there and wait for the other buses to arrive.  The "assistant" (another older black man), turned around and kept staring at me and was obviously saying something inappropriate about me (I can tell by the look on their primate-like grills--They've schooled me well).  The driver got off to smoke and he said something to the driver as he got off.  The driver laughed but I could tell the driver was not liking what the man was saying as it was inappropriate but at the same time he didn't want to appear as a "pussy" (as niggers like to say) in front of his cradle robbing little buddy.  The driver gave a shaky "fake" laugh and tried to change the subject.  This is not the first time coon men have talked about me practically right in my face and expected me not to hear it.  Do they think women are deaf? 

This brings me to another pet peeve.  Men, if you see or hear your coworkers, companions or any man you are with doing or saying something inappropriate to a woman or talking inappropriately about her within earshot, speak up.  Why go along with something you don't agree with?  Stand up and be a man.

Posted by fedupwcandb at 5:36 PM EST
Updated: Friday, November 10, 2006 6:07 PM EST

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